A good morning to the Good Morning


Mornings always bring on,
Gentle caress of early Sun.
Cool breeze of new Dawn,
Stirring hope in souls around!

Mornings have always been gentle and generous.  The pre-dawn movement among trees has always stirred the mind with subtle hope. The early crimson diffused light seems to have borne from the very darkness that it has borne to dispel. Guess that is why even though it surely dispels the darkness but it does so ever so softly. The way Arjuna would fight with Bhishma!

Some evenings may turn the pallet of sky into a violent play of colours but I have never seen a morning do that. The mornings stir up life all over but in a non pushy way.

Mornings have always been gentle stirrers of hope and they fill me up with it! I hope they do the same to you...

I wish a good morning to the "Good Morning" and a morning that stirs hope in you!

Sincerely Mine!
Anand Kulkarni


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