Mute it, "Face it"

Greetings! We all are very good at putting up a face and hiding our emotions behind it. This ability has helped our ancestors survive. It helps in so many situations, right from winning poker to getting favourable international treaties. Look at most of the selfies and group snaps. If we can't put up a face properly, then there are filters to do the rest of job for us. One can put up an excellent show of having fun while the reality might be totally different. (I guess this is usually the case). We are also very good at using euphemisms, great flowery words. Look at most of the videos. The words spoken consciously on videos are also usually made up, politically correct and don't reflect the real intent as well as the content of what is going inside our heads. We all know it and usually take this in stride. But what if we want to go beyond and see what is going on inside someone rather than the facade that has been put up? There are many ways to do it and reams of lit...