Predestined "Free Will"


Question is, "Is all that happens predestined? Or human beings have free will to chose?"

A boy throws a stone. Does he chose to throw it or the strong thought to throw germinates due to a program in subconscious driven by nature, nurture and circumstances (including gut bacteria)?

Most experiments say that the latter is true. The decision already happens and then the thought comes in to merely justify it. Read a very interesting compilation of such experiments Here.

Imagine a magic(?) trick where cards written A, B, C are put in front of a person . They are face up. The person is told that she has free will to pick any. The person choses A. The magician says that your free will was already predetermined - he takes a sealed envelope from his coat pocket. She opens the envelope and it says 'You are predestined to chose option A '.... The person is shocked and awed to see that her free will choice was predestined!!!

(Of course, if she chose B then magician would have brought out envelope from his pants pocket and in case of C he would have conjured it up from his hat!)

Now the question is, "Does the world as we see it, work as that magician where at present everything seems like a free will but in hindsight it all makes sense as a predestined path?"

Sincerely Mine,
Anand Kulkarni 


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