The lightening flash of essential truth


I had heard about him from those who attended a great institution where he taught for many years. Well, now I myself got the opportunity to get into a learning program that was conceptualized and driven by him. That is when I experienced his teaching first hand...

"Essentially, Liability is nothing but source of funds and Asset is nothing but use of funds.", he spoke in a gentle, measured and soft tone.

"Is that all?", I thought...

I thought he could read my mind, as he simply said, "That is it!" and paused! 

It was a learning program unlike any that I had ever attended...

He seemed to know what exactly we didn't know and what false notions we harboured. He seemed to know which insight of his would confuse us and to what degree and therefore at what moment to reveal it (and at what moment not to).

It was as if a very complex question-processing engine was running in the background of his great mind. Somehow this engine was sensing the questions, not only those that we had in our mind but those we would be having in few minutes. His sentences would be answers to all those unasked questions as they arose in our mind and then some. Just as the addressed questions evaporated into clarity, he would provide deeper insights. These insights would then freely etch themselves in space created in our minds by the question-quenching-answers. And then... he would then take a brief pause, just enough to ensure that his insights embed in our minds and then he would move on to the next essential learning... 

At first, I was simply awed by this experience and merely tried absorbing all of it. But then over time I figured out this process as well.

What gave away this process was not his soft-spoken tone, nor was it the use of simple words, anecdotes and stories .It was his eyes. His eyes gave away the playful ease with which this complex process was being played out in his mind and how much fun he was having while playing it!

I wondered what could have shaped this great mind? What combination of genes, upbringing and influence have played the role? And most importantly what key traits of his would have self-sculpted this incredible mind?

I was lucky to spend few months on and off attending his own sessions and other sessions that were  crafted by him and his team. While getting amazed about almost everything in this program, I kept on asking myself the question, "What is that one key trait that could have self-shaped someone like him?"

Even when the answer was there to see in his actions and interactions, it took its own sweet time to reveal itself to me. One day, in a flash, I finally saw the "one thing" that culminated in everything that I was in awe of - it was his honest pursuit of the essential truth! He tackled every question with complete candor. He addressed all concerns with crystal clear clarity. He was relentlessly sifting through all the hyperbole, mambo-jumbo of everything around and seeking (as well as facing, accepting and stating) the essential truth. Even the most complex of the matters were clear in this flash of a lightening,which was nothing but the essential truth.

That same lightening flash of an answer, also revealed a question that was lurking within, hidden inside ignorance and habit...

Looking straight in my eyes, basking in the white hot light of truth, this old but newly discovered question asked me, "Can you too muster the courage to cut the clutter and perceive the essence? You may gather the wits but do you have the guts to seek, face, accept and state the essential truth?"

Sincerely Mine!
Anand Kulkarni


Anonymous said…
भिद्यते ह्रदयग्रंथि: छिद्यन्ते सर्व संशय:।
क्षीयन्ते चास्य कर्माणि तस्मिन् दृष्टे परावरे।।
ओम श्रीगुरुभ्यो नम:।।
mohitv said…
Happy thoughts!
Wonderfully written..

Is it pointing to the one I think it is pointing to?
Sudhir said…
Set me thinking !
The blog is pointing to the one who displays courage to find and accept essential truth in every matter. 🙂
Smita said…
Very well written Anand
Satyamev Jayate!

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