Melancholy and Hope - Shehenai


Let's look for a moment that has both happiness and sadness put together.

Where do you find them? All one has to do is to look little bit closely at life turning moments. You will be surprised to find such moments in the points of life that turn a leaf in life...

King Ashoka expected a moment of triumph as he overlooked a river turned red with blood of enemy. He sensed it, but he also faced a deep sense of remorse! A dichotomy of triumph!

Famous people face this dichotomy of emotions too. While they are adulated by millions, they face the loneliness of not having a true and warm relation! A dichotomy of fame!

A mountaineer struggles to reach the summit, he faces treacherous paths, steep slopes and draining exhaustion. The moment of reaching the summit brings exhilarating fulfillment as well as the empty dreadful prospect of not having any goal to reach! A dichotomy of success!

A father of bride strives in all ways to get the daughter married. He tries to ensure that he gets the right groom for the daughter who should not only be matching her choice but also ensure that they will spend a happy life together. Once such a groom is found, marriage is fixed, the bride's father strives for making arrangements of marriage. And finally the moment of wedding arrives. And what does the father of bride feel at the moment of vows? He is filled with a strange combination of melancholy and hope! What a dichotomy of emotions!!!

And these paradoxical feelings cannot be really captured well in words. Music starts where words end! I have felt that one instrument that brings out these feelings is "Shehenai". Those who want to feel this dichotomy of feelings can hear it Here !

The palette of human emotions is filled up with trillions of combinations, each bringing its own hue. One of these hues is the dichotomy of melancholy and hope - expressed not in words but played through a heart-touching Shehenai ...

Sincerely Mine!
Anand Kulkarni


Pramod said…
Really true

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