Urge to 'merge'

Greetings! On one of my cycling rounds at the edge of city, I was greeted by a huge flock of sheep on the country road. There was another (even bigger) flock at distance. To me it looked like this one had wandered off from (the bigger) flock. There was no shepherd in sight and I stopped my bicycle in tracks and waited for these loitering sheep to make up their mind. This group took few minutes to wander but looked like hesitant to disperse. Perhaps these sheep were waiting for the sound of their shepherd even to explore the lush grass on the side of road. But there was no sound guiding them as the shepherd was not there. I was curious now as to what would the sheep do? (Didn't have much else to do with sheep all around :-) ) Meanwhile the other flock had moved in a different direction but near enough for this flock to hear the tinkering sound of bells from the bigger flock. My flock... (by now I had formed a great connect, as the sheep were in all directions around my...