Triangle "Tangle"


As i was remembering my teacher from High School- one of his teachings in geometry sprung up suddenly and fit itself in the analogy for life.

So what is life? The life is a triangle tangle.

Life contains many triangles, the love triangle, the equality (equilateral) triangle, the right (as well as wrong) angled triangle and to top it off the trinity (Father Son & Holy Ghost / Brahma, Vishnu & Mahesh) triangle.

Each incident that happens in our life cajoles, pushes, begs, shakes us up to make us think - 'how does it make sense?' As a hypothesis, in terms of geometry-of-life, lets say this translates to 'this will make sense - when i find such a pair of the 2 sides (another possibility) of this triangle (incident) whose sum is less than the third side (the side which i traversed just now as part of the incident)..

Too heavy? Ok. Here is a step-by-step version.

Problem in Geometry: Find the 2 sides of a triangle, whose sum is less than (shorter than) the third side.

Problem in Life: Whatever happened is not right. There is some other better way in which it should have happened. Why did it happen this way? What better way it would have happened? (Which other 2 sides would add up to be shorter than the third side?)

So what do people do to solve the problem? They try and get on to the next level all over the life OR get blessed with Grace, start praying for Guru and reach the 7th heaven (Level 7)!

Where do you fit?

Level 1: Take one triangle at time. Try to make the sum of 2 sides and compare with third side. Somehow (!!) the sum of lengths of 2 sides does not even come down to the length of the third. in life - whatever happens never fits our wishes, and the folks start becoming sensitive about it. Result-> anger, worry and fear!

Level 2: Use imagination. Try many different options (the remaining two sides with different lengths). Now we are getting different lengths but none of them less than the side with which we compare. Here is where the person tests the limits of intellect. An intellectual approach indeed; but try asking if anyone has got a final solution. Here some folk create some complex formulae and fluctuate randomly comparing totals.

Level 3: Use experience. Now, after trying out many many combinations. Some people understand this principle - the wider the angle of the two sides (the broader the viewpoint, the better we feel about any incident / person), somehow the approach brings the sum to closer length to the third side but still is greater than the third side. So now those folks move nearer to accepting whatever happened, but not completely yet!!

Level 4: With experience. Another truth that dawns up is - try whatever we may, the sum of 2 sides is never going below the third side. Still we come close enough sometimes. So - may be our intellect is not sufficient, may be some one needs to TEACH us. As this humility rises in life, so does the Geometry Teacher (Guru) start appearing! Now, when you go to the class - the geometry teacher teaches "Sum of 2 sides of a triangle is always greater than the third side". in other words he asks the question "What can be better than the best?" - So here person starts contemplation.

Level 5: Some more experience and application of the 'teaching' convince the person that whatever Guru says is right and there have never been and there never will be any other 2 sides of the triangle which would be shorter than the third side. Third side is shortest. Whatever has happened is - exactly what should have happened. With this acceptance -person is happy.

Level 6: Some people still keep on thinking about the puzzle and now the question is 'why in the first place were we given this puzzle?' and 'what sense does this tangle make?' they go to Guru again and again and try to find answers. Guru teaches, learn 2 things - (1) Graduate to 3 dimensional view (understand time) from 2 dimensional view. (2) The shortest distance between 2 points in a 3D world is a straight line. Some keep practicing and experiencing this principle. This further takes them towards the reality.

Level 7: Now, the Guru says at the 'right moment'- 'imagine a line which is infinitely long and what position you need to take so as to see all the points in this infinite at once'. The person realizes that there is only 1 position from where you can see all the points at once. Be a point on line. Be in present. Be the line!

Here is wishing all the best for each player of the 'Triangle Tangle' that each one may 'get the point'!

Sincerely Mine!
Anand P Kulkarni


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