Dealing in Devotion
Greetings! My random playlist was on, while I was lost in the work. Suddenly the song changed and a soothing octate of violins started wafting in. These lilting sounds caught my attention. Then in about half a minute, on the cue of clicketting sticks, piano and guitar took over from the meliflous violins. The music felt as if, it was tugging at something inside me, that wanted to voice itself but somehow remained unspeaking. And then a man started singing ... "करे मन भजण नूं बेपार ..." Loosely translated from Gujarathi as "The mind has started dealing in devotion"! The words were not from my native language so I was trying to decipher them. But the passion with which they have been written and the emotion with which they have been sung by a voice and the divine way in which all instruments join in - felt absolutely amazing. I was being dealt with something outside of this world - yet through the music, the voice and words that are very much from this wor...