Much ado about "nothing"

Greetings, After a sumptuous lunch, (as we were not allowed to fall into the sweet siesta slumbers, so ...) we friends were discussing the kind of questions that we tend to discuss when in such state - questions about God, Man and Men (as well as women or rather the Human type...). The one on the table was - "How can there be the same divine self experience across all the bodies. Every body (and even every leaf of a tree ...) is different from each other. What is the 'oneness' that these spiritual types talk about? How can you say God is one and the same across all, while I can't see anyone like any other!" The answer too came as smoothly as the dish of fruits that made its appearance on the coffee table (Perhaps the intention was that, we would stuff our mouths with fruits and hopefully stop giving heavy doses of philosophy to the 'free' audience. This intention did indeed succeed! But not before the answer...) So the answer that came was - ...